„Why don’t you come over?”, a gandul.info campaign, commented by The Huffington Post: „Hey, look! Two Romanian ladies! Or are they Kate and Pippa?”

Why don't you come over?, a gandul.info campaign, commented by The Huffington Post: Hey, look! Two Romanian ladies! Or are they Kate and Pippa?
Publicat: 01/02/2013, 12:27
Actualizat: 29/09/2018, 02:04

Huffington Post UK reported that Gândul and GMP Advertising launched the „Why don”t you come over” campaign, through which the British are invited to look into the riches that Romania has to offer, and the reasons why out country is better than theirs.

Channel 4, British public television channel, on Wednesday took the Gândul campaign by saying that „Gândul newspaper has hit back, by launching their own campaign to bring Brits to Romania”

Huffington Post UK presented the poster with the tagline saying „Half of our women look like Kate. The other half, like her sister”, by also publishing a photo of Pippa and Kate with a witty comment: „A couple of Romanian women… actually this might be Pippa and Kate. We can’t tell.”

Huffington Post mentions that Gandul started the „Why don”t you come over campaign as a retort to the British Government”s decision to start a campaign aimed at discouraging possible Romanian and Bulgarian migrants. The newspaper wrote that „National pride has been clearly prickled by the suggestion that Romanians will immigrate to the UK in ‘hordes’ after residency restrictions are relaxed later this year”.

„Why don’t you come over?”, a campaign by gandul.info in response to the British one called „Don’t come to England”

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